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Has anyone heard any update on this article printed a couple of weeks ago. I believe some land was going to be allocated in La Marina Urb for the project to begin. Neighbours and friends are showing an interest in this but so far no update ........................ anybody ?????

La Marina

Good Morning Rene or should that be 'Ello, Ello'.

We were told by Carlos the Mayor that we would have an answer in 5 days. That was over 7 weeks ago and nothing yet. Barry and I have another meeting today with Paulino who said we will have an answer today - another two weeks after our last meeting with him.
We will see. We have been trying for over 18 months to get agreement in writing after they promised us the land.

We have a meeting tomorrow with Paul Mutter of the Coastrider so we should be able to tell him of any developments. We will also be in touch with Gemma of the Euro Weekly who did the first write up. We have also been interviewed by the 'La Verdad' newspaper but up til now they have not published their article.

Rest assured we will publish on here and other places the results which we have not done before as we did not wish to alienate the council by trying to force their hands. 'Softly softly catchee monkey!'

If we get the go-ahead we will organise a meeting for everyone, and there are plenty of people, who wishes to know more.


Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2015-02-24 08:31:25 UTC

Thanks for the update.
Unfortunately, I thought I was pretty much up with the news on La Marina Urb. But obviously I missed anything about the 'Mens Shed' and nobody has mentioned it in conversation.
It sounds like something I would have an opinion of , so please could you give me a quick run down about what is going on.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-02-24 09:44:53 UTC

Hi Alan, at today's meeting there was still no definite answer but Paulino said that he would ask Carlos tomorrow and ring us TOMORROW! when he had an answer.
I will give all the details when we have more info. I don't like to pre-empt or upset anyone as I know there are things that these Councillors have to consider and we only have one side of the discussion.
We are having a website set up and when, sorry, if things go according to plan I'll publicise it on all forums.
We hope to have a meeting for all citizens when it's finalised.
We have a CIF number registered so we have jumped through all the hoops they have put in front of us but still we wait.
Sorry I can't be more informative but keep watching Alan.
Thanks for your, and everyone's interest - and there has been a lot.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2015-02-24 17:25:06 UTC

Is everyone else afraid to ask? What is a Men's Shed?

Commented Lol in La Marina 2015-02-25 09:30:40 UTC

Thanks luvmylife
Had a browse through the link you gave.
Got to admit, I still havnt got the faintest of what it is about except Mens Sheds fall into one of five different categories, they are non profit making and are a sort of charity thing, other than that I am lost.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2015-02-25 09:54:37 UTC

Hi Alan maybe this will give an insight into what Barry and I are trying to do.
We were told yesterday that we would have an answer today but Paulino rang and that discussions were still going on. We need to know Yes or No! This has been over 18 months now and maybe we are being strung along? We have been looking in Alicante for some type of portacabins which we will use to house the shed but until we know for definite we cannot do anything. We then have to try to raise money to fund the process.
I will put all the info out as soon as I know!


Five ex-pats in San Fulgencio have formed and registered a Mensshed, which will be the first in Spain.
Mensshed started in Australia in 2007 where there
are now more than 900, 150 in the UK, over 30 in Ireland; there are also a small
number in Finland and Greece. Menssheds are open to all nationalities, are not
affiliated to any political or religious groups, and are non-profit making.
Mensshed is a place where retired, unemployed or men with time on their hands who
need a bit of company can go, have a chat, a cup of tea or coffee, obtain, discuss
and exchange information. A lot of Menssheds offer advice on men´s health. Most
men, unlike women, don’t talk about feelings or emotions, meaning that they usually
don´t ask for help. Menssheds are there to offer that help.
Members would be encouraged to realise their own potential, take responsibility and
ownership of their project and its possibilities. We see the passing of skills, both
traditional and modern as a key aspect of the work. Each man should see himself as
a teacher and a learner in their group. Different men possess varying degrees of
skills, professional and practical which will encourage the community learning
possibilities. Some Menssheds repair furniture, bicycles, computers etc. depending
on the skills of the members. These items can be either sold to help pay for the
upkeep of the Mensshed, or given to the needy.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2015-02-25 16:45:52 UTC

Any updates? Has Paulino retreated from view on this subject? Now elections are over is this to be buried? Heard a rumor that the train was back for August, would not of thought that this can be right?

Commented Ian in La Marina 2015-07-08 08:30:22 UTC