Marbella 4 Days Walking

Walking event will be CO2 Neutral


MARBELLA. The organizers of Marbella 4Days Walking have signed a collaboration contract with Arboretum Marbella. They have agreed to unite their strengths in order to contribute to the environment and to ecological tourism in Marbella.

Marbella 4Days Walking (4Días Caminando) takes place from the 9th till the 12th of October. Hundreds of participants from different countries will participate and during 4 days they’ll walk a different route of 20 kilometers each day. The routes pass by the beach, through the city and nature. In order to preserve the nature around Marbella the organization has signed a contract with Arboretum Marbella which will allow the event to be CO2 neutral. To compensate the emissions caused by the event, the necessary amount of autochthonous trees and bushes will be planted on the lands of Arboretum.

The director from Arboretum, Alejandro Orioli: “We think it is wonderful that Marbella is focusing on sustainability. Promoting walking and tracking, like this event does, is another way of appreciating nature and the environment. At the same time that will make people more sensible to preserving it.” Hans Wohl, organizer of Marbella 4Days Walking is happy about the collaboration. “Parts of our routes go through the nature that can be found so near Marbella. Of course we would like to preserve this beauty, not only for the participants of all future editions of this event but because nature is essential to humans in general. We feel that the work done by Arboretum Marbella is important and that is why we’ve decided to help them where we can.” When participants subscribe they can choose to donate 5€ to Arboretum. More information on the event and subscription on
