Get found on Page 1 Google


My name is Darren Horsham and I am an SEO expert based in the UK. I have many clients overseas that I promote for many different industries and was asked to put my details on this site in the hope that I may be able to work with some of you who may have been caught out by the economic downturn the world is facing. I would like to help get your websites performing better on Google for your best search terms and will work out a cost effective way to do this for you.

We are on Page1 Google ourselves for around 1000 keywords which include being #1 on Google for “Optimisation”!

Some of our clients Page1 examples are;

Ski Chalets
Sailing Holidays
Fire Alarms
Villa Holidays
Spanish Villas
Snooker Cues
Private Jets

This is just a very small selection of our Page1 examples for clients so do please contact me if you would like an endless list of references and Page1 examples.

I have successfully promoted many sites in many different industries in the UK and around the world to page 1 Google which is where over 96% of all UK searches are carried out. I am now looking for someone in your industry to assist with promoting to page 1 and noticed that there are a few areas that we can deffinately assist you with to gain better rankings.

Having been around since October 2004 we have seen most things in this industry and have worked with some of the biggest companies out there such as the Financial Times and to small one person outfits such as Brooches Store. Over this time optimisation has changed massively and will continue to do so which is why so many companies now entrust their online promotion to a good optimisation team. We do not outsource any work as we feel that all the skills we have honed over the years are better put in to action in our offices so we can easily monitor the quality to ensure the client gets the very best out of the campaign from day one!

We are very transparent and will never use the term “behind the scenes” which is what some of our new customers have said about previous campaigns when they have asked for what work is or has been done. All the work we carry out you can easily see which also means Google can easily see so will have a more profound effect on the results which at the end of the day is what we are striving for. We offer monthly reports on positions, traffic and all links that have been sourced for you and your account manager is always on hand to discuss these reports and the campaign in general at anytime that suits you.

Our ethos is simple, we offer up to date onsite SEO techniques coupled with the very latest innovative offsite linking campaigns that are not only site friendly but just as important they are Google friendly.

We work in every industry and also work in extremely competitive markets such as Gambling and Finance and we find that the success we bring to our clients is born out of using the very best techniques and seriously hard graft with no stone unturned no matter how insignificant we feel it may be. Sometimes it is the small things that have the biggest impact.

What we do:


Full website analysis identifying weak areas in site
Identify the best web pages to target for selected keywords
Title tags and headers implemented targeting selected key terms
Google PPC account created using a spend of at least £50 targeting at least 10 search terms
Google webmaster account creation (if not one already)
Google analytics installed
Google Sitemap

External works done for setup
350x Social Bookmarks
200x Wiki Article Backlinks
1000x DoFollow Backlinks
150x Edu Backlinks
5000x TrackBacks
Links Explained
1. Do-Follow Website Comments - which are on Do-Follow Websites, all comments are approved and link back to yoursite.

2. Social Bookmarks - has a wide range of PR starting from PR-0 right up till PR-8, all are live links and tell a bit about your company for others to read.

3. Wiki Articles back-links is a self hosted page, we have created unique accounts on wiki sites which are all dofollow, uploaded an article that's relevant and back-linked back to your website.

4. Edu Back-links - as some would call the holy grail in back-links is extremely hard to find as these links are from education colleagues and government websites, we go through through 1000's of links to get live approved website comments linked back to your website.

5. Trackbacks - is another form of a back link, every time a Trackback is made it indicates to the other site and Google that a link has been made, these are quickly picked up and given credit to your website. The links are mixed between do-follow and no-follow even tho everyone wants do-follow we make it natural as possible when link building.

All links made are live, checked and verified, full range of PR, full range of Do-Dollow & No-Follow. All Links made from different ip addresses
We also offer excellent link packages which we have found to give great results for our site and more importantly our clients sites should you not require a full SEO package.

I welcome your thoughts on the above,

Kind Regards

Darren Horsham

Weblinx Ltd
Blackburn Technology Management Centre
Challenge Way

T: +44 (0)1254 267360
F: +44 (0)1254 605941
E: [email protected]


informative writing, keep it up!

Commented Ralf Michael in Marbella 2012-01-25 17:26:34 UTC