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Web Site Hosting

Help required in either showing me how to transfer data on my web site or changing details of info on my web site.

Not Ibertech thank you.

La Marina

Give me some more info and I will tell you or show you how its done.

Commented Dave Long in Rojales 2011-06-24 18:41:02 UTC

Hi dave. If you can either give me a telephone number to ring you on or you perhaps give me a call on 680137429, I can explain more.

I know how to get into the FTP site, but then it gets difficult.

I appreciate your posting.

Commented Malika in La Marina 2011-06-25 11:36:34 UTC

Hi, I do exactly what you're asking about on an almost daily basis - We can provide step by step help with how to upload files to websites.

If you still need further help, feel free to contact me or visit my website www.sol-computers.es


Richard do you think you can help me. A friend has copied a lot of information which I will need for the charity work I am doing, onto a CD. I have tried to install it onto my computer, but, I can't even open it up to see the content. Please, please help a geriatric.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-06-25 17:14:40 UTC

Hi Eve,

Does the CD that you have load properly? If you go to Computer/My Computer, you will see the CD drives, right click the drive that contains your CD and select Open from the menu.

If you list out some of the filenames you see in the folder, I should be able to help you determine what you need to properly use those files.


Cheers I will try that. I worked on computers about 1980 when they were massive big things. All this new technology is beyond me. Thanks. I will let you know if it works.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-06-25 17:22:56 UTC


On a side note we also run a Free PC Clinic every Saturday from 11:00 - 13:00. Please feel free to visit us in Gran Alacant if you're nearby at all - everyone is welcome!

Keep posting in the meantime if you still have troubles, I'll be around.

Hi Richard I have tried doing what you told me. It came up that the CD was in the drive but when I clicked on file it did not show open file so I right clicked and went into properties but still did not get anywhere. If I can't get it sorted this week I will come over to Gran Alacant next Sat and take you up on your offer. Will I just need to bring the Disc.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-06-25 17:44:48 UTC

Hi Richard I think I have sussed out the problem. The lady who is doing the job at the moment has windows 7 I am on XP. Is there anyway of putting this programme onto my computer without having to use the CD everytime as Compatability wizard does not work from new back to old? If there is can you tell me the cost please.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-06-25 18:33:43 UTC

Hi Eve,

I've been away a while, my apologies! Do you know what the extension of the file you are trying to open is? I.e. .doc, .docx, .exe, etc.

If it's a program that requires installation, do you know the name/version of the program?

You should be able to copy the contents of the CD into a folder on your computer, and run from that location to negate the need for using a CD everytime.

Whether you could make it run without using Compatibility Wizard each time is hard to say, the best thing in that situation, as you said previously would be to let me take a look at the problem on a Saturday.

There is no obligation to buy anything, anything that can be fixed relatively easily won't be charged for. At that point I can tell you if it's easy to resolve or give you other options.


Thanks for all your suggestions. I think from what I can gather that the program is one she has made up herself. I will see her today and get more information. f I come to see you next Saturday, I think it best I bring my tower unit - its only a small one. I have taken your address and phone no and hopefully , a lady I know from Gran Alacant will come in the shop on Thursday and she will probably be able to give me directions to your premises. If not I will ring and ask you on Friday. Thanks once again. Eve

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-06-26 05:36:49 UTC

Hi Eve,

You can use this link to see where we are on Google Maps: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=217512436662846624110.0004885de615198d54a32&msa=0&ll=38.227747,-0.524436&spn=0.006549,0.013937 - We're the marker that says Gran Alacant Services.

Driving instructions are here: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?saddr=La+Marina,+Elche,+Spain&daddr=Gran+Alacant+Services+%4038.226664,-0.523422&hl=en&sll=38.190225,-0.58688&sspn=0.104832,0.222988&geocode=FQUPRgIdPCb2_ynDVwieeLJjDTGwpkdSca8CCg%3BFehKRwIdYgP4_w&mra=ls&dirflg=t&t=h&z=13

When you arrive we are actually above Destination bar, take the stairs up, first office on the right.
